Thursday, April 16, 2009

OFA X-rays

Kaiya went to get her OFA x-rays this week. We had tried to get them about two weeks ago at another place, but when we got there to drop her off, they told us it was going to be over $800!!! I was so mad! Needless to say, we did not have them done there. They kept trying to tell us it was the anesthesia that cost so much... I don't know what they were trying to pull. Anyway, I called around and found a place that does it for $116. Not even close to the other place. So on Tuesday I dropped her off in the morning and then picked her up after work. The Dr. said her hips looked great! That is a big praise because if they didn't look good, that would mean she probably couldn't be a service dog. She is young (only 11 months) so she could develop hip problems later on. It is normally detected around 2yrs.
We have to send in the x-rays to OFA and have them look at them. It is just a preliminary check since they wont certify her hips until she is 2yrs. The Dr. said they should pass with no problem.
This means she is one step closer to being a service dog!
Our year with Kaiya will be up in August. We could have her for up to another 6 months, but I know the foundation would like to get her going ASAP. Once she leaves us, she will need to go to extensive training. This is when they will find a child for her and teach her exactly what she will need to do for the child.
So what we are working on now it getting her ready for her last test she has to do before the advanced training. She also needs to work on not being scared by traffic and stop chasing squirrels! She is still very excitable and needs to chill out some. Gotta love lab puppies :) So much energy! Other than that, she is doing great. I can't believe that she will be 1 on May 1st! I'll try to remember to take some pictures that day and post them.