Friday, January 2, 2009

Christmas 08

Christmas has already come and gone. It went by so fast! I hope you all were able to enjoy the holidays :) Our little family went to Michigan this year for Christmas. We put both Lexus and Kaiya in the back seat of my Saturn and drove the 7 1/2 hours to my parents house in Grand Rapids, MI. This was Kaiya's first really long drive and she did really well! She does like to take up most of the back seat (poor Lexus) ;) We stayed in MI for 5 days. During that time it snowed (they have had 60 in this winter so far), rained (melted all that snow), flooded, and then snowed again. It was a pretty exciting time! They river and lake in my parent back yard flooded the most is has since they have lived there (25 years plus). It got very, very close to the house on Sunday morning so instead of going to church, we spent the morning/afternoon sand bagging their house and the neighbors. It was something I've never done before and wouldn't like to do again, but I have to say, it is very cool to see a community come together to help someone out. There were probably 30 people in the neighborhood (even ones that don't live on the lake) that came out to help.
After that exciting day, slept in on Monday and then loaded the car for our trip back. We had great driving weather and would have made it home in good time except for the traffic we ran into in Dayton and Cincinnati.
All in all we had a great Christmas. We are enjoying our time off from work. We don't' have to go back until the 5th. Kaiya will be having her Canine Good Citizens Test this month so keep us in your prayers. If she passes this test she will get her official vest!
I hope you all have a great start to this new year!

Blessings ~Kristin

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